More companies are publishing GHG inventories

The number of companies that published GHG inventories in the 2024 cycle increased by 24% compared to the previous year and 77% over the last three years. The data comes from the Brazilian GHG Protocol Program report released this month. This scenario shows the private sector’s growing concern with the transparency and governance of climate […]

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How is Santander addressing financed emissions from agribusiness?

A large part of the greenhouse gas emissions of financial institutions are indirect. In the case of Santander Brazil, a significant part of these emissions comes from the agricultural portfolio. In this context, the bank has the challenge of aligning this sector’s portfolio with its commitment to achieve Net-Zero by 2050. To understand how to […]

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A new WayCarbon in the “Era of Transition”

Communicating WayCarbon’s portfolio has always been very challenging. Our business is complex, technical and speaks to organizations that have different levels of maturity in relation to the climate transition. We understand that clarity, agility and assertiveness are essential in conquering new markets. And, to communicate better, we have structured a new value proposition.  Starting in […]

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Discover WayCarbon Ecosystem: Climate Risk Management

A tool that performs integrated and systemic management of climate risks in companies. This is the proposal of WayCarbon Ecosystem – Climate Risk Management (previously known as MOVE). Based on almost two decades of WayCarbon’s experience in solutions for the climate transition, the tool has undergone improvements that have optimized its strategic value: it now […]

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The importance of sectoral inventories for the climate agenda

COP30 will be held in Belém, Brazil, in 2025. As the event approaches, the country has many regulatory instruments being developed to arrive at the event with a mature position on the climate agenda.  Some examples are: the development of legislation on the regulated carbon market, the update of the National Climate Change Policy and […]

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