A new WayCarbon in the “Era of Transition”

Communicating WayCarbon’s portfolio has always been very challenging. Our business is complex, technical and speaks to organizations that have different levels of maturity in relation to the climate transition. We understand that clarity, agility and assertiveness are essential in conquering new markets. And, to communicate better, we have structured a new value proposition. 

Starting in August, WayCarbon will present its new positioning based on three axes of action: Mobilization, Transition and Regeneration. The idea is to communicate quickly, clearly and effectively everything we do and how we do it, expanding the understanding of how WayCarbon can support you in your decarbonization journey and in the commitments of a Net-Zero agenda. 

We are currently perceived by many stakeholders as pioneers and innovators in offering specialized software on ESG and climate agenda and for consulting services with a highly qualified team. In 2022 and 2023, we were listed among the world’s leading references (the only one in the global south) in technology and consulting by Verdantix, an independent British firm that conducts global research. But we want to go further. 

Our ambition to truly scale and internationalize the business required an update of our discourse and branding. We understand that the investments made after the partnership with the Santander Group in 2022 led to the design of robust and integrated digital solutions, but that customers and the market had not yet taken advantage of so many transformations made so far. 

In our day-to-day operations, there are many opportunities to be explored by our technical and sales team. And marketing will contribute to this strategic process. WayCarbon spoke with internal leaders, partners, customers and the market to understand how it could communicate everything it does. Based on the strategic planning for the cycle until 2026, we revisited our mission and values. In 2024, we worked on repositioning the brand and created the rebranding. And, of course, this doesn’t mean that we’ve just changed our logo and the visual identity of our portfolio. 

First of all, communication on the topic of sustainability and climate change is an exercise that begins with raising awareness and engaging everyone. That’s why the Mobilization axis is structured with two major offerings: WayCarbon Learning (formerly ESG Academy) and WayCarbon Science (which brings together our research and development projects). 

Towards the transformation we want, we need tools for the transition to happen. In the Transition axis, WayCarbon has integrated systems into the multi-modular digital platform WayCarbon Ecosystem (which brings together the former Climas and Move) for a unique user experience. It will be possible to access all the tools and functionalities in the same environment, facilitating access, analysis and generation of reports for decision-making. 

Finally, the Regeneration axis can offer innovative solutions for removing and reducing emissions through carbon projects. WayCarbon Reduction and WayCarbon Removal are two product fronts that complement the journey of more mature companies in their commitments to the Net-Zero agenda. 

We are aware of the responsibility of work that reviews an organization’s identity and provokes reflection. It takes courage to change. We changed because we matured, and we are proud of this process. We turned 18 on August 16, 2024. We have a new look, and a rebranding campaign is coming to all our institutional channels (social media, Newsletter, website, systems), which will explain more about this change. 

WayCarbon is unique in everything it sets out to do. In marketing, it was no different. It is not enough to integrate specialized scientific knowledge and cutting-edge technology in a transversal way to address solutions in the climate transition for governments, the private sector and multilateral organizations. We need to go further, regenerate, transform, tell this story, move forces oriented towards a positive impact. Our way of communicating required a new perspective to make governments and companies aware that the Era of transition has arrived. We are in a hurry. 

The Sustainability and climate agenda is gaining more and more space in different organizational structures and Governance has grown significantly in the direction of investments that can prevent, mitigate, adapt and reduce the social, environmental and economic damages generated by the lack of protection of the climate system. None of this will be possible if decision-makers do not understand our purpose, how and why we do it. 

Flávia Ribeiro
Gerente de Marketing at WayCarbon | + posts
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