Investments in climate management software will reach USD 1.7bi in 2023

The organizational world has many peculiarities. It is interesting to observe how a secondary theme gains scale until it becomes central and how automation accompanies this movement. This is exactly what is happening with climate management. If before inventories were carried out in spreadsheets, now the adoption of technological solutions for climate management – which […]

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WayCarbon launches API for calculating fleet GHG emissions

According to the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from road transport in Brazil amounted to 123 MtCO2e in 2020, corresponding to 7.4% of national emissions. Half of these emissions refer to larger vehicles, such as trucks and buses. In such context, the emissions calculation og logistics fleets and decarbonization in […]

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How is Dow dealing with climate change?

Interview with Claudia Schaeffer, Global Business Director for Energy and Climate Change at Dow  Founded in 1897, in the United States, Dow’s purpose is to combine chemistry, biology and physics to create innovative technologies that contribute to the progress of humanity. Present in 31 countries, the corporation employs more than 35,700 people. In Brazil, there […]

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Climate risk identification: WayCarbon launches SaaS offer

WayCarbon, the largest strategic consultancy with an exclusive focus on sustainability and climate change in Latin America, announces launch of the MOVE (Model for Vulnerability Evaluation) solution’s  SaaS offer, an integrated tool for identifying the exposure of different sectors to the physical risk associated with climate changes, with essential information to help companies define and […]

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Technology as an ally in managing the evolution of positive actions for business, the planet, and people

That the public interest in monitoring ESG agenda of economic agents in the public and private spheres has fostered important milestones in the transformation of the economy, towards conscious capitalism, there is no doubt. As data from Google Trends demonstrates, the volume of searches for the term has increased dramatically, having more than doubled between […]

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