Why is the ESG journey essential for IPO companies?

The Initial Public Offering (IPO) is one of the main means for a company to raise funds and enable expansion plans, investments in new operations or projects. The operational part of this process has two central aspects: one of communication and exposure of the company, in order to become known and attract investors, and the […]

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Registro By The Way : assista aos vídeos

By The Way

Assista aos vídeos do 1º By The Way, o evento promovido pela WayCarbon. Na edição de 2015, o encontro abordou os Desafios das Mudanças Climáticas.

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Climate resilience and construction: challenges and solutions

Cities are experiencing temperature increases at a rate twice the global average due to the urban heat island effect, according to the Energy Sector Management Assistance Program. Furthermore, data from the United Nations (UN) shows that almost 40% of energy-related greenhouse gas emissions are related to the construction of new buildings. This circumstance makes cities […]

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Taxa de extinção elevada: aumenta o risco sobre a biodiversidade


No dia 02 de março de 2018, a vice-secretária-geral da ONU, Amina Mohammed, fez um alerta para a velocidade em que a biodiversidade do planeta está diminuindo. Apesar de também ser um processo natural, atualmente a extinção tem como o principal agente causador o ser humano.

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