The role of indirect emissions in decarbonization goals

The decarbonization journey faces several complex challenges, one of the most important being the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions outside of companies’ direct operations, or Scope 3 indirect emissions. According to a survey by CDP Latin America, only 9% of large Brazilian companies monitor emissions from their supply chain, and only 7% include climate-related […]

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Climate resilience and construction: challenges and solutions

Cities are experiencing temperature increases at a rate twice the global average due to the urban heat island effect, according to the Energy Sector Management Assistance Program. Furthermore, data from the United Nations (UN) shows that almost 40% of energy-related greenhouse gas emissions are related to the construction of new buildings. This circumstance makes cities […]

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Case Study: embedding Inclusion in Climate Action

Climate change disproportionately affects socially vulnerable groups. Therefore, climate action and gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) are interconnected and should not be treated independently. This is what the British Government points out in the learning paper “Embedding inclusion in climate action: Lessons from the UK PACT Green Recovery Challenge Fund Portfolio”, published in January […]

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CBAM: How can companies prepare?

The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) is a carbon pricing system focused on the life cycle emissions of imported products. In practical terms, it will be applied in the form of a price to be paid by European importers. In this context, companies that have relationships with the European market have doubts about how this […]

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11 examples: how are cities dealing with climate risks?

This year there have been many reports of floods caused by excessive rainfall in countries such as Brazil, Germany and the United Kingdom. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), events such as these are already intensifying due to climate change.  Therefore, it is necessary to move away from the culture of response […]

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