Interview: Analyzing the customer’s voice brings valuable learnings

ESG and climate themes have gained more and more space in the corporate environment. With this change, the need to insert the topic in a transversal way in the operations and culture of companies grows. In this way, systems such as Climas, WayCarbon’s Integrated ESG and Climate Management software, begin to occupy a strategic place in supporting companies towards more robust action on the agenda. 

To support organizations with varying levels of maturity in the climate agenda and obtain greater proximity to customers, WayCarbon structured the Climas Customer Success Program a year ago. Reviewing flows and processes made it possible to improve service, seeking continuous improvement in this management. To understand the advances and learnings observed during this period, we spoke with Mariana Bertelli, Digital Customer Success Manager at WayCarbon. 

  1. Why is having a structured Customer Success process important for a company that offers solutions in ESG and the climate agenda?

ESG themes and climate management have become increasingly relevant on corporate agendas. There is a group of large companies that are quite mature in regarding these issues, and are putting into practice decarbonization strategies that are already very well founded. We have observed, on the other hand, a movement of less mature organizations on the subject beginning to move towards this agenda. The challenge of serving this spectrum of companies with such different profiles in a SaaS model has been possible thanks to the structuring of processes focused on Customer Success. The mindset here is focused on attention to the needs of each client, aligned with their moment in the Net-Zero journey. To serve these customers with such different profiles, it has been necessary to make adjustments and continuous improvements to workflows and processes. 

  1. What lessons did WayCarbon learn when improving its Customer Success Program?

The main lesson is that we need to respond as quickly as possible to changes or new demands that the market brings and that impact our customers. An efficient response involves listening to and recognizing needs and expectations and adjusting the way we work with a genuine interest in ensuring customer satisfaction. 

  1. At WayCarbon, the customer is at the center of the business strategy. After almost a year of developing the CS Program, what were the main results observed?

 One of our biggest challenges is to ensure a closer consultative service to customers along with a Software as a Service (SaaS) dynamic and structure. Reconciling these two universes requires a “balance” between structured SaaS processes and the flexibility of service consultancy. In addition to monitoring Climas’ NPS, we began collecting feedback in satisfaction surveys related to service throughout all stages of the customer journey, from implementation to support. As a result, we have good material for Voice of the Customer (VoC) analyses, which often bring valuable insights. In order to be closer, we implemented a program in which 100% of our portfolio is eligible, where we develop adoption/next steps meetings, follow-up/success meetings and calls to answer questions. In one year of the program, we have already held more than 250 of these meetings in total. The recent implementation of the Notification Center in Climas has also allowed us to maintain more frequent communication with all users, especially managers, who are our main focal points. 

  1. What are the points of attention for building a CS culture?

In our process, we identified that the starting point for success is understanding the specific objectives and goals of each client from the beginning of the project. This way, we can adapt whatever is necessary and possible, making alignments transparently and with a genuine interest in meeting mapped expectations. 

Do you need to mature in the climate agenda, with the support of technology? Get in touch with our experts and discover Climas.

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