How is Santander addressing financed emissions from agribusiness?

A large part of the greenhouse gas emissions of financial institutions are indirect. In the case of Santander Brazil, a significant part of these emissions comes from the agricultural portfolio. In this context, the bank has the challenge of aligning this sector’s portfolio with its commitment to achieve Net-Zero by 2050. To understand how to […]

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Encontro Internacional sobre Precificação de Carbono

Acompanhamos o Encontro Internacional sobre Precificação de Carbono. Foram apresentadas experiências internacionais, brasileira (Projeto PMR Brasil) e cases da iniciativa privada relacionados ao tema. Saiba mais.

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Interview: Analyzing the customer’s voice brings valuable learnings

ESG and climate themes have gained more and more space in the corporate environment. With this change, the need to insert the topic in a transversal way in the operations and culture of companies grows. In this way, systems such as Climas, WayCarbon’s Integrated ESG and Climate Management software, begin to occupy a strategic place […]

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Interview: WayCarbon and ICC support the regulation of the Brazilian carbon market

On October 4th, the Senate approved Bill 412/2022, which regulates the Brazilian carbon market. According to Bill 412/2022, companies and individuals that emit more than 10,000 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent (tCO2e) per year will be subject to the Brazilian Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading System (Sistema Brasileiro de Comércio de Emissões de Gases de Efeito […]

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Estudo de Avaliação de Risco e Vulnerabilidade Climática de São Bernardo do Campo


No dia 10 de agosto, foram apresentados os resultados finais do Estudo de Avaliação de Riscos e Vulnerabilidade Climática de São Bernardo do Campo, em um evento com participação de representantes da Prefeitura de São Bernardo do Campo e do Banco de Desenvolvimento da América Latina (CAF). Executado pela WayCarbon, em parceria com o ICLEI, […]

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