What does WayCarbon’s entry into the IFRS Sustainability Alliance represent?

Supporting companies in understanding how to internalize the sustainability agenda into their business strategy is a fundamental part of the work that WayCarbon has been carrying out for 17 years. To strengthen this agenda, we became a global member of the IFRS Sustainability Alliance and accredited as a Solution Provider. What is the IFRS Sustainability […]

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LEBAM Program, innovation to reduce emissions from dairy farming

Agri-business (including dairy farming) is the second main source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in Brazil. To address this issue, WayCarbon is developing an innovative program aimed at reducing methane emissions – a gas with a greenhouse effect 28 times greater than carbon dioxide – from natural rumination processes, the LEBAM Program (Leite Baixo Metano, […]

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Get to know the Rio Muru REDD+ Project

The REDD+ Rio Muru Project, a partnership between WayCarbon and Angelim Participações S.A., covers 30,000 hectares of protected forest in the Brazilian state of Acre. Launched in August 2022, the initiative takes another step forward with the announcement of its public consultation phase, open toall stakeholders in the ecosystem such as: private companies, NGOs, researchers, investors, […]

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The role of indirect emissions in decarbonization goals

The decarbonization journey faces several complex challenges, one of the most important being the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions outside of companies’ direct operations, or Scope 3 indirect emissions. According to a survey by CDP Latin America, only 9% of large Brazilian companies monitor emissions from their supply chain, and only 7% include climate-related […]

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Climate resilience and construction: challenges and solutions

Cities are experiencing temperature increases at a rate twice the global average due to the urban heat island effect, according to the Energy Sector Management Assistance Program. Furthermore, data from the United Nations (UN) shows that almost 40% of energy-related greenhouse gas emissions are related to the construction of new buildings. This circumstance makes cities […]

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