Case Study: embedding Inclusion in Climate Action

Climate change disproportionately affects socially vulnerable groups. Therefore, climate action and gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) are interconnected and should not be treated independently. This is what the British Government points out in the learning paper “Embedding inclusion in climate action: Lessons from the UK PACT Green Recovery Challenge Fund Portfolio”, published in January […]

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Evento inédito reúne especialistas dos Programas PMR Brasil e PoMuc

Nos dias 03 e 04 de maio, foi realizado o evento PMR & PoMuc Joint Workshop on MRV & Carbon Pricing Impact Analysis, que reuniu as equipes de especialistas e coordenadores de dois dos principais programas relacionados à mitigação de mudanças climáticas atualmente desenvolvidos no Brasil: o PMR Brasil e o PoMuc. O objetivo do […]

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